Increased male hormones-how to release testosterone
1.Those who exercise!
If you're a man, have you heard of this at least once?
That male hormones help muscle growth
The representative hormone among them is testosterone!
I think everyone knows well.
2.To build muscle
It is important to exercise hard,
Most of all, as much as possible after exercise
So that muscle synthesis can proceed smoothly
Creating a physical environment is also
I think it's as important as exercise.
If so, today
Testosterone, the male hormone
About 13 therapies to increase
Let me introduce you~
How to promote male hormones
1. Testosterone, a male hormone, increases physical strength, increases libido, and improves athletic performance.
It's a very essential guy for our body to perform critical functions.
Especially~ especially~~ As men know
This guy, which is essential when synthesizing muscles! It is testosterone.
For men who want muscle gain, this is the way to go from now on! You must remember.
As we get older, the level of male hormones tends to decrease.
The time when hormone levels start to drop is usually in your late 20s to early 30s.
Of course, as you get older, the drop in numbers gets bigger and bigger.
Particularly, it should be noted that excess testosterone turns into estrogen (female hormone).
It causes gynecomastia-like symptoms and often even causes hair loss.
Therefore, injecting drugs such as steroids is an artificial intervention in the hormonal system of our body.
It can be seen as dangerous.
He told me tips to raise testosterone levels!!
He told me tips for strengthening male hormones!!
I think you've always been scared because of the side effects caused by hormone excess.
But let's be relieved!
The method I'm introducing today is not an artificial way of posting
It's really natural~ It's a way to help your hormone levels go up.
Oh, one more caution before that!!
Since weight exercise increases the secretion of male hormones, it is sometimes unreasonable.
I often see people exercising beyond their own body limits...
Because it increases the secretion of a stress hormone called cortisol
In addition to decreased testosterone levels, muscle mass can be fatal.
So, don't overdo it. Let's find a smarter way to raise hormone levels
1. Strategically exercise your weights!
By doing weight exercises, the muscle fiber tissue is destroyed and reproduced and the muscle grows.
So, if you want to increase your muscles, you can think of weight exercise as an essential course'!
Also, it is very important to squeeze out smart strategies such as multi-joint exercises and heavy weights and low reps among weights.
In particular, in the case of heavyweight and low repetition, it is recommended to select a weight that can lift about 5 to 8 reps and make the break as short as 2 minutes.
And do the weight exercise 4~5 times a week for about 1 hour.
2. Moderate aerobic exercise!
Some people even organize aerobic exercise to get rid of body fat.
Have you ever heard of the story that it could make you lose the muscles you gained?
I can explain the reason why marathoners look weak (?) at the top.
Of course~ This is the story of when you overdo aerobic exercise.
It's enough to run the treadmill lightly at a moderate speed. No problem if you don't exceed 30-45 minutes at a time
3. Eat protein.
Ah... everyone knows this!
I think everyone knows that protein = an ingredient necessary for muscle growth.
And there must be a lot of people taking supplements after weight exercise!
4. Eat vegetables
Did you know that vegetable consumption also plays an important role in muscle growth?
However, some vegetables affect testosterone levels.
Representatively, there are broccoli, cabbage, parsley cabbage, collard, watercress, kale (dark green cabbage), kolabi, mustard leaves, and bok choy.
5. I also need fat
Fat components such as omega 3 are also very important for muscle growth.
In fact, builders tend to compromise because they also need saturated fat to raise testosterone levels.
This is because saturated fat plays a role in producing hormones such as testosterone that our body needs ^^;
6. Avoid drinking alcohol.
Hahahahahaha. Why am I suddenly laughing after writing... ^^;;
Maybe the reason it was slow is that I was drinking... I wonder if it's not ??
In fact, if you drink a small amount of alcohol, it is said to be beneficial to your health.
Drinking binge or consuming alcohol regularly daily is a dangerous act of lowering your testosterone levels.
In particular, if you consume a lot of alcohol, it can cause inflammation and lower testosterone, so you should be careful.
7. How about ginseng?
In fact, you might think that ginseng is a common food in Korea, and everyone is familiar with it.
But it will also help with muscle growth!!
In fact, ginseng contains abundant nutrients and good ingredients for performing physical functions.
In addition to increasing libido, it is said to contribute to the improvement of testosterone levels.
It is said that ginseng directly stimulates the central nervous network and reproductive tissues and helps increase male X energy.
(I don't know if the men who read this article are buying ginseng to buy it lol..)
8. Get enough sleep!
After exercise, the body must perform a process called recovery while regenerating muscle tissue.
Sleeping is said to help produce hormones that contribute to myogenesis, especially growth hormone and testosterone.
So, if you rest well, more energy is produced and hormone levels naturally increase.
Especially if you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep and do lower body or lower back exercises! Please keep this in mind.
9. Sometimes I have to take a break from exercise.
Those who like exercise! Exercise enthusiasts.. you probably don’t know how to take a break from exercise.
I'm actually after exercise, so I don't know how to take a break ?? I don't want to take a break!!
Why~~ I like the feeling that the egg was cut because I was stimulated.
But taking a break from exercise is also very important in managing your testosterone levels.
Four to five weights per week are sufficient. Please rest enough the rest of the day.
Because it's a strategy to maximize your testosterone levels.
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